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Advantages of Cylindrical targets

Article source:Zhenhua vacuum

1) Cylindrical targets has Higher utilization rate than planar targets. In the coating process, whether it is a rotary magnetic type or a rotary tube type cylindrical sputtering target, all parts of the surface of the target tube continuously pass through the sputtering area generated in front of the permanent magnet to receive cathode sputtering, and the target can be uniformly sputtered etched, and the target utilization rate is high. The utilization rate of target materials is about 80%~90%.


2) Cylindrical targets will not easy to produce “target poisoning”. During the coating process, the surface of the target tube is always sputtered and etched by ions, and it is not easy to accumulate thick oxides and other insulating films on the surface, and it is not easy to produce “target poisoning”.


3) The structure of the rotary target tube type cylindrical sputtering target is simple and easy to install.


4) The cylindrical target tube material has various types. planar target with metal target direct water cooling, and some can not be processed and formed cylindrical targets, such as In2-SnO2 target, etc. with powder material for hot isostatic pressing to obtain plate-like targets, because the size can not be made large, and brittle, so it is necessary to use brazing method and copper backplate to integrate and then install on the target base. In addition to metal pipes, columnar targets can also be sprayed on the surface of stainless steel pipes with various materials that need to be coated, such as Si, Cr, etc.


At present, the proportion of cylindrical targets for coating in industrial production is increasing. Cylindrical targets not only use for the vertical coating machine but also use in the roll to roll coating machine. In recent years, the planar twin targets are gradually replaced by the Cylindrical twin targets.

——This article was released by Guangdong Zhenhua Technology, a manufacturer of optical coating machines.

Post time: May-11-2023