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Development of crystalline silicon solar cell coating technology

Article source:Zhenhua vacuum

The direction of crystalline silicon cell technology development also includes PERT technology and Topcon technology, these two technologies are regarded as an extension of the traditional diffusion method cell technology, their common characteristics are passivation layer on the back side of the cell, and both use a layer of doped poly silicon as the back field, the school is mostly used in high-temperature oxidized layer, and the doped poly silicon layer is used in the way of LPCVD and PECVD, etc. Tubular PECVD and Tubular PECVD and flat plate PECVD have been used in the large-scale mass production of PERC cells.


Tubular PECVD has a large capacity and generally adopts a low-frequency power supply of several tens of kHz. Ion bombardment and bypass plating problems can affect the quality of the passivation layer. Flat plate PECVD does not have the problem of bypass plating, and has a greater advantage in coating performance, and can be used for the deposition of doped Si, Si0X, SiCX films. The disadvantage is that the plated film contains a lot of hydrogen, easy to cause blistering of the film layer, limited in the thickness of the coating. lpcvd coating technology using tube furnace coating, with a large capacity, can deposit thicker polysilicon film, but there will be around the plating occurs, in the lpcvd process after the removal of around the plating of the film layer and does not hurt the bottom layer. Mass-produced Topcon cells have achieved an average conversion efficiency of 23%.

 ——This article is released by vacuum coating machine  Guangdong Zhenhua

Post time: Sep-22-2023